- Room on the Broom
- Each Peach Pear Plum
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- The Gruffalo
- The Mr Men Collection
- We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
- To Kill a Mockingbird
I chose books 1 to 6 as these are my children's favourite books, the ones that I love to read to them. These books have helped to create an interest in reading for my daughters and capture their imagination. Book 7 was the first book that hit home with me, this was a project at my Secondary School and I loved it. Doesn't matter what you read or what you like as long as you take the time to sit down with a book for yourself or to share with loved ones.
– Steve Richards, Facebook

Just a few of my favourite books by some of my favourite authors:
- At the Sign of the Sugared plum by Mary Hooper
- The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
- Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher
- It's Not Me it's You by Mhairi McFarland
- Broken by Karin Slaughter
- A Tap on the Window by Linwood Barclay
- The Birthing House by Christopher Ransom
There are so many more #booksarelife
– Brogan Alice Sebastyen, Facebook

Doesn't matter what you read or what you like as long as you take the time to sit down with a book for yourself or to share with loved ones.
- Pride and Prejudice – because I'm an old fashioned romantic
- Jane Eyre – because I think it's a more honest version of love than Pride and Prejudice
- Lady Chatterley's Lover – did my English coursework on it and loved it, I think it's deeper than just smut which is what people think
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix – there's a conversation between Harry and Nearly Headless Nick that I think is just writing at its best
- The Lord of the Rings series (in particular, The Two Towers) – I was obsessed with these books from a young age, I still am, I love the idea that you can escape to this alternate universe where the simple good things defeat the bad, it's very wholesome and Tolkien was very very clever
- Sense and Sensibility – it was the first Jane Austen book I read and I loved it. Sentimental reasons
- North and South – because it's impossible not to be in love with the male protagonist
- Hannah Godley, Facebook
North and South ??? because it's impossible not to be in love with the male protagonist.
Here's my seven… (some titles are too long to fit in one tweet!)
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey
- The Gunslinger from The Dark Tower series by Stephen King
- Quite Ugly One Morning by Christopher Brookmyre
- Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett
- Black and Blue by Ian Rankin
- The Long Glasgow Kiss by Craig Russell
- It by Stephen King
– Scott Tucker, Twitter

- The Perks of Being a Wallflower – Stephen Chbosky (I read it for the first time when I was on holiday and thought it was a lovely book about friends and people)
- The Five People You Meet in Heaven – Mitch Albom (this book guides you through a man's life and helps you find your meaning)
- To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee (was one of the first classics that I ever read outside of school and began a love for a new genre)
- The Bell Jar – Sylvia Plath (I read it at a poignant time in my life and the book has just stuck with me)
- The Martian – Andy Weir (this is just, hands down, the cleverest fiction book ever written)
- The Time Traveler's Wife – Audrey Niffenegger (beautifully written and one of the few books to ever make me cry)
- Catching Fire – Suzanne Collins (the best book in The Hunger Games series, but the whole series itself is incredible. Love the way it deals with politics and war in a way that I, as a kid, would have understood and enjoyed).
– Chloe Dewhurst, Facebook