It is a truth universally acknowledged that Star Wars, or at least the original trilogy, suffers from a dearth of women.
As a child, it didn’t bother me. I was Leia. I had brown hair and brown eyes; she had brown hair and brown eyes. I was prickly and stubborn – you get the picture. I didn’t need to worry about what other girls identified as, because I didn’t know any other girls who liked it – and I never thought that the lack of female characters might be the reason they didn’t.
As a child, it didn’t bother me. I was Leia. I had brown hair and brown eyes; she had brown hair and brown eyes. I was prickly and stubborn – you get the picture. I didn’t need to worry about what other girls identified as, because I didn’t know any other girls who liked it – and I never thought that the lack of female characters might be the reason they didn’t.
The little bits of Jyn???s backstory that have been revealed make me think we???ve got a genuine badass on our hands.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realised just how important it is for young girls to have strong, positive female role models to look up to, whether that’s in film, books or real life. The introduction of Rey in The Force Awakens was a great turning point for Star Wars, and now I’m eagerly awaiting 15th December when we’ll get to see Jyn Erso in Rogue One.
I’ve got high hopes for Jyn since I heard the words “this is a rebellion, isn’t it? I rebel.” I get shivers just thinking about it. The little bits of her backstory that have been revealed make me think we’ve got a genuine badass on our hands.
But that’s not to say there haven’t been other exciting female characters in Star Wars. Here are some of my favourites:
I’ve got high hopes for Jyn since I heard the words “this is a rebellion, isn’t it? I rebel.” I get shivers just thinking about it. The little bits of her backstory that have been revealed make me think we’ve got a genuine badass on our hands.
But that’s not to say there haven’t been other exciting female characters in Star Wars. Here are some of my favourites:
Maz Kanata
When I’m old I want to be just like Maz. Flirting with tall, hairy men, running some sort of anti-establishment speakeasy and holding all the world’s secrets behind my gigantic eyes.
Okay, so droids should be genderless and all, but the word from the top is that BB-8 is a girl ??? and I couldn???t be happier about it. BB-8 rolls headfirst into danger with all the courage and heart a robot could have.
Padmé Amidala
Poor Padmé… she started off so cool. More than just a pretty face, she was crazy clever and could handle a blaster like nobody’s business. But then she fell in love and all that turned to mush. She literally died of a broken heart. How many male characters have died of a broken heart? She deserved better.
Captain Phasma
We didn’t see much of her, and she is a villain…but so was Boba Fett. In fact, Boba Fett probably had just as little screen time and he’s got songs written about him. I love that she’s a character that would traditionally be played by a man, and I love that she’s shiny. So, so shiny.
Sy Snootles
Another side character, but one that made a lasting impression on me. She looks like a frog with flamingo legs, yet she rocks the hell out of her raggedy outfit with a statement lip. A true icon.
Princess/General Leia
I’m going to put it out there and say that Leia probably has a higher kill record than Luke and Han combined. Why? Because on top of her combat skills, her putdowns are deadly. She practically spat in Vader’s face. She has no fear, and her decisiveness, intuition and compassion make her an exceptional character. She would have topped this list if it hadn’t been for...
I never thought I would like Rey as much as I did. Unlike Luke who was a young boy frustrated by his simple farm life, craving adventure, Rey just wanted her family. She’s less prickly than Leia and not as selfish as Han. She brings together all their best qualities: courage, kindness and adventurousness. I can’t wait till next year to continue the story.
Rogue One is out 15th December; get times and tickets here.