Looking for new and fun ways to entertain yourself over lockdown? Who better to turn to than these awesomely entertaining film characters. We’ve collected plenty of inspiration for you - and not a single jigsaw puzzle in sight. There’s no excuse to be bored now.
Andy (The 40 Year Old Virgin) - collecting vintage toys

Instead of courting the laydeez, Andy spent his life collecting vintage toys, keeping them in their boxes and admiring them endlessly. His collection is his pride and joy so during this dry spell, why not take a leaf out of his catalogue? You might need a bit of start up capital (mint condition Star Wars toys can run to the thousands of pounds) but hey - everything will be vintage some day.
How to get into it: Scour eBay, Gumtree and local community groups for people having a lockdown clearout.
How to get into it: Scour eBay, Gumtree and local community groups for people having a lockdown clearout.
Morticia Addams (The Addams Family) - knitting

Knitting isn’t a particularly revolutionary hobby to take up but Moriticia brings her own special (read: spooky) flare to it. So put aside that scarf you’ve been working on and try her own patented three legged onesie; or what about a beanie with holes for horns, a single glove for Thing...
How to get into it: there are tons of easy to follow YouTube tutorials about how to knit - once you’ve mastered the basics, try this Morticia inspired pattern.
How to get into it: there are tons of easy to follow YouTube tutorials about how to knit - once you’ve mastered the basics, try this Morticia inspired pattern.
Maria von Trapp (Sound of Music) - upcycling

Can you imagine having a Maria von Trapp around during lockdown? You’d never be bored. Whether you’d be learning to sing or creating yodelling puppet shows, she’d keep you all entertained for months. By far her most impressive passtime is upcycling some stuffy old curtains into cute matching outfits - creative and sustainable. Get the sewing machine out, let’s go.
How to get started: Seven matching outfits might be a bit of an ambitious place to start - but how about some face masks? If it’s good enough for the original cast...
How to get started: Seven matching outfits might be a bit of an ambitious place to start - but how about some face masks? If it’s good enough for the original cast...
Ron Burgundy (Anchorman) - take up jazz flute

The people you’re locked down with might not appreciate this suggestion, but lockdown is the perfect time to learn a new instrument - or jazz up an instrument you already know. Have you, for instance, ever tried yazz flute? Ron Burgundy ‘dabbles’ in it, why can’t you?
How to get started: Honestly, just get someone to take the bassline for a walk and feel your way. The yazz will come to you.
How to get started: Honestly, just get someone to take the bassline for a walk and feel your way. The yazz will come to you.
Frank (Frank) - make your own instruments

Ok, so we don’t all have a flute directly to hand - but that’s no excuse. Take the advice of papier-mache don Frank and make your own!
How to get started: All you really need is a thing to scrape against another thing. Have at it!
How to get started: All you really need is a thing to scrape against another thing. Have at it!
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho) - review some 80s pop albums

While Patrick Bateman has some hobbies we don’t recommend taking up (murder? Not for us), keeping fit and reviewing 80s albums are two we can get on board with. Maybe even at the same time - hey, it’d do well on TikTok.
How to get started: prop your phone up, pick your favourite underrated album and talk continuously for at least eight minutes.
How to get started: prop your phone up, pick your favourite underrated album and talk continuously for at least eight minutes.
Nick Fury (Spider-Man Far From Home) - go on holiday from home

You can’t go on holiday at the moment but there’s nothing stopping you from bringing the holiday to your own home. Nick Fury is the master of this - ten minute holiday break and then back to the kitchen table to work.
How to get started: whack the heating up, pop some palm trees on your zoom background and pour yourself a daiquiri. Bliss.
How to get started: whack the heating up, pop some palm trees on your zoom background and pour yourself a daiquiri. Bliss.