Oceanographer dog
Hates sharks. Lives in a submarine. Likes kibble.

Extracurricular dog
Head of the drama society. Has a crush on teacher. Sniffs lampposts.
Former child prodigy dog
Has divorced parents. Lives in a big New York house. Chases sticks.
Runaway from home dog
Big into scouting. Loves the girl next door. Barks at squirrels.
Steve Zissou was the main dog - sorry, person - in Anderson’s charming 2004 adventure The Life Aquatic. Played by Bill Murray, Steve was an underwater filmmaker on a mission to find the shark that killed his partner - helped by an eccentric crew including Willem Dafoe, Owen Wilson and Anjelica Huston.
Max Fischer was the doggedly self-promoting schoolboy in Anderson’s first big hit Rushmore (1998). Played by Jason Schwartzman, he was academically dim but head of the drama, fencing, flying, debating, beekeeping, calligraphy, astronomy, stamp collecting and kung fu clubs and ended up vying with Bill Murray for the attentions of a pretty teacher.
Margot Tenenbaum (Gwyneth Paltrow) was the middle child with the hangdog expression in Wes Anderson’s 2001 dysfunctional-family tale The Royal Tenenbaums. Stuck with writer’s block, neurotic brothers, separated parents and a 50-something husband, she spent most of the film sneaking off to the bathroom to chainsmoke and roll her eyes.
Sam Shakusky was the 12 year-old gone walkies in Moonrise Kingdom (2012). With a corncob pipe, raccoon-skin hat and an air rifle, he went on the run with his pretty neighbour Suzy, causing his foster parents, Suzy’s folks, the scouts and various government agencies all to come looking for them in the yellow-tinged summer of 1965.
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