Mean Girls Day. Judgment Day. McLovin’s birthday..? There are some fictional film dates ingrained in our collective memories, and some that you might have missed. We’ve created a calendar of all the iconic events and dates from your favourite films.
1st: Bridget meets Mark at her mum’s turkey curry buffet in Bridget Jones’s Diary12th: Hal 9000 goes online in 2001: A Space Odyssey
2001: A Space Odyssey
1st: Willy Wonka opens his factory doors in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory14th: The end of the world according to a psychic called Elaine in Ghostbusters
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
2nd: The Men In Black agency first made contact with aliens24th: The day The Breakfast Club were in detention together
The Breakfast Club
25th: The perfect day according to Miss Rhode Island, Cheryl Frasier in Miss CongenialityMay
19th: Jake Sully lands on the moon Pandora in Avatar Avatar
3rd: The day McLovin was born in SuperBad SuperBad
5th: Forrest Gump started running across America Forrest Gump
29th: Judgment Day from Terminator 2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
22nd: Bilbo and Frodo Baggins birthday, more fondly known as Hobbit Day Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring
3rd: Mean Girls Day - aka the day Aaron asked Cady what day it was26th: Einstein the dog from Back to the Future becomes the world’s first time traveler at 1:20AM in 1895
31st: The day Harry Potter survived Voldemort’s attack
Max lights the Black Flame candle, bringing the Sanderson sisters back in Hocus Pocus
Hocus Pocus
2nd: ET goes home ET
24th: Howard Langston embarked on his quest to find a Turbo Man for his son in Jingle All The Way Jingle All The Way